
On-site business advice (or over Zoom).

Get your business off the ground and avoid common mistakes. Set up a time to talk with a business or legal expert (there’s no cost and they’ve helped 100’s of startups). Email to get started.

Frank Alvardo

Directo of Research & Data Management at Lehigh Valley Economic Development Corp.

Catherine Bailey

Sr. Advisor, Rea.deeming Beauty, Inc., Retired President/COO Rea.deaming Beauty, Inc.

Dan Bosket

Director, Community Action Development Corporation of Allentown

Kermit Burley

Information Sciences and Technology Program Coordinator and Information Sciences and Technology Lecturer, Penn State Lehigh Valley

Mark Capofari

Supply Chain and Project Management Lecturer and Business Internship Coordinator, Penn State Lehigh Valley

Jonathan Epstein, CCIM

Co-Founder, JTJ Tech

Sally Handlon

Founder, Handlon Business Resources, LLC

Colleen S. Krcelich, CPA

Lecturer of Business, Penn State Lehigh Valley

Michelle Landis

Founder and Principal (Business Coach, Executive Coach), Pinnacle 7, Inc.

George Lewis

Special Assistant to the President & CEO
Lehigh Valley Economic Development Corporation

Maung Min, Ph.D.

Business Program Coordinator, Project and Supply Chain Management Program Coordinator, and Business Assistant Teaching Professor, Penn State Lehigh Valley

Tina Richardson, Ph.D.

Chancellor, Penn State Lehigh Valley

Robert Thomson

Venture Consultant, recently retired from Ben Franklin Technology Partners

On-site professional advice and clinics.



A few thoughts to get you started from Stella Morrison – 11 things to do before starting a business.